We faced this exact problem when working on the Wiltshire Farm Foods website. They had a huge number of meals organised into an extensive list of categories. What is more there was a real need to ensure consistency between the website and the printed brochure, so we had no choice but to keep the categories they had. This left us with a confusing site structure. For example if somebody wanted to order a ‘beef pie’ did they look under ‘beef’ or ‘pies and pastries’?View an audio slide show of "The Mother of Thanksgiving.” See images of Godey’s Lady’s Book, presidential Thanksgiving Day proclamations, and penitant puritans. Be sure and click on "Captions” in the lower right corner of the viewer.Stress promotes:Amazing, but did you know that Americans used to buy most of their crab from the Japanese who operated floating canneries in the Bering just off US territorial waters? The first US based, commercial, canning operations weren’t started until the 1940’s as a result of World War II. Prior to that, over 95% of our crab meat was purchased from the Japanese.